Steel Tower Design System


1. On my first installation of Verauto the program named Organisateur crashes and I cannot complete the installation?
In fact, it happens that Organisateur.exe cannot complete on first installation due to the fact that some dlls are not yet registered by Windows. Just re-start your computer and then launch Organisateur.exe from the directory C:\Util and all should work fine.

2. How does Verauto compute the tower structures?
Verauto treats the structures as Spatial Frame and resolves them using a rigidity matrix.

3. When I made a mistake choosing a steel shape and its dimension, how do I undo to revert back to original value?.
Just go back to the drop down menu and choose the correct shape. That’s all

4. Is it possible to have a license without Hard-Lock running on the same machine as a license with Hard-Lock ?
The License with Hard-Lock allows you to work on different computers with the same Hard-Lock and the user may have several Hard-Locks that will run on any one of his machines.
The License without Hard-Lock, is quicker to obtain and cheaper, but it is restrained to one computer. If you would install another License on the same computer, the first one will be deactivated.

5. What’s the use of 5 or 10 days licences ?
The short term licences are used by those who need to verify few structures and so do not need Verauto for a long period.

6. Is it possible to design any structure with Verauto suite?
No. Verauto suite is designed for calculation of Steel Latticed Structures.

7. Have a look at the picture below and you will see that the Bearing on the member at bay Number 16 is unacceptable. It looks strange, since the members 17 and 18 below are OK. Increasing the bolt diameter would resolve but it looks geometrically strange because the lower bolts remain smaller.

What we see is logic. The diagonal at bay 16 has a larger load than the one in bay 17.
In that case the increase in bolt diameter resolves, whereas in the bay 18, the diagonal is thicker than at bay 16, thus keeping the bearing pressure lower.

8. In Verauto, how are the wind loads on the antennas applied to the structure ; are they applied at the nodes on which the antennas are fixed or on the nodes of a face of the structure?
The antennas are treated as local loads applied to the structure. When using UHF antennas which cause small individual loads, all the antennas on a bay are added together and the total load is distributed to the four nodes of the corresponding face.
When using dishes generally causing important loads, the direction factor of the dish, with respect to the north for example, is taken into account so as to reduce the wind load to a minimum. If several dishes are on the same bay, the bearing is applied to the main nodes of the structure.

9. How much does SmLoader cost for evaluation purposes?
No cost for the DEMO version. After that you can buy only 5 days for testing and then buy more if you want.

10. The language used to create the file being loaded is Brazilian, whereas the one you are using on the form is English (US).If you continue ….
This is an alert because you are using a certain language on the forms and the language of the file you are reading is different - some data may differ because they are language sensitive and therefore must be checked for compliance.

11. The dimension 230 x 100 x 6.4 for steel shape (O-Omega) in the system units SI for U.S gauge in Bay number 1 does not exist in the data bank. Do you want to add it?
Just Answer YES if you want to add this shape dimensions to your Data Base.

12. Where is the data bank for Steel profiles?
The data bank for steel profiles is found in each pull down menu, where steel sections are specified. In case you want to add a custom steel profile, type the specifications in the pull down menu. SmLoader will propose to update the data bank for steel profiles immediately afterwards.

13. What is the job title?
It is information that you can use to individualize your job and the structure you are designing. There is no rule for that.

14. How do I know if my structure has a pinned joint or rigid joint?
Please open General Structural Information window in your SmLoader and there is the answer. (Truss Bar connections ....). Just look at the drawings if the structure already exists, and in case of a new one, you just decide the type you want to use.

15. How do I deal with specifying my structure if I know that my joints do not allow transfer of moment and all members act only on compression and tension, and no moments are transferred?
This description relates a typical Spatial Truss and provision for computing such a structure is given in SmLoader in the window - General Structural Information – under - Structural Model -. Anyhow, latticed towers do not really answer to such model and should, for closer compliance to reality, be verified using Spatial Frame

16. Where do I design connection between members, such as beam to columns?
Actually, to design and verify a tower structure, the lay-out of connections does not affect calculations. Just need the number and characteristics of bolts that are used for connection.

17. Do we need to input the rigidity of the joints?
The rigidity of the joints in a tower structure is a very delicate question and often out of reach to common engineers. The creators of Verauto have chosen to have the application evaluate each situation and make the choice based on the elements in presence (members’ relative inertia and connecting bolts)

18. How do i know which standard apply to my situation?
The standards are generally requested in the Specifications of the buyer of the structures and should be attended by the engineer or supplier.

19. Why are no details given about the british standards for climatic norms?
Climatic BS is proposed and the user should refer to the Norms so as to fill-in the required information correctly.

20. Smloader prevents me from using AISC -ASD 2005?
Taking into consideration that AISC-LRFD 2005 is equivalent or safer and more economic than the ASD 2005, the creators of Verauto have chosen not to waste time implementing the AISC-ASD 2005 that would bring no advantage to the users.

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