Steel Tower Design System


41. When do I execute second order verification?
Provision is made for second order calculations, but, considering the time it takes and the so small difference obtained in the telecom towers, this option has been left aside. The structures designed with Verauto are sufficiently safe and economic – more than 20 years with spectacular results.

42. When do i compute electric loading,and where do i calculate it?
Electric loading is reserved to towers and supports for electric lines which are not yet part of these applications.

43. Is the computation of the structure's frequency computed standalone? How do I input mass and properties of other loadings that affect my structures oscillation frequency?
The structure’s frequency is computed if requested by the user. No need to input mass and properties of tower members or attached objects if these objects have been supplied via SmLoader. All is automatically computed by the application.

44. Do SmLoader and XVerauto take in consideration shape of profile with respect to wind direction? Or is the member modeled as a single type of geometry?
In fact, SmLoader and XVerauto make use of tested diagrams and indications given in the Norms chosen by the user in order to compute with the maximum precision the wind effects on the tower members and antennas attached to the tower.

45. If the members of my tower are long and slender, and I want to specify their rigidity separately, does SmLoader have a calculation module to calculate beam deflections perpendicular to member axis?
Really this question is not relevant in the context of Telecom Towers. Anyway, you don’t have to bother about slenderness, just choose correctly the shape you want to use and the application will do the rest for you.

46. Where do I input new steel profiles with updated steel grade?
Actually, it is recommended to use only the existing shapes that have been selected to be most adequate for the element you are designing. If as example you check shapes proposed for Leg members and those for Diagonals, you will note that the shapes proposed are not the same. The reason is to help users in their choice.

If you have a new shape or profile that you consider convenient, then feel free to contact by mail our support team and for sure you will get satisfaction.

When it comes to new steel grade, you may just enter the name to be used and yield stress (in the same way as it appears for the other steel grades) into the combo box where the steel grades are listed and accept the proposed addition to your data base. SmLoader will do the rest.

47. Can it occur that diagonal bracing is both outside and inside tower face, by using clips and bolts with a cut at the cross point?
This is relevant to the tower manufacturer. Makes no difference in structural verification if built connections are designed according to good engineering standards.

48. Explain the color codes of the diagrams for green yellow and red
Just hover your mouse above the image at the right of the window and a pop-up will explain.

49. What do you mean by "strengthening" in diagonals definition?
This is not a definition. Diagonal strengthening occurs when a diagonal member is insufficient and another steel shape is added to it so as to make it stronger and be able to support the acting loads.

50. What effect does the division of the H-bar have on the structure if it acts only in tension?
H-Bar does not work only in tension. The division reduces the unsupported length.

51. Are the bolts diameter and grade calculated automatically if the H-bar is subdivided, if so where?
Bolt diameter and grade is indicated by the engineer and is verified according to loads applied on it.

52. Is the leg to horizontal bar bolt steel type forces calculated automatically, or do I have to state the bolt type myself?
Please make your question more precise so as to make sense, then you should receive an answer.

53. What are free choice details?
Where did you meet with this sentence? Please indicate, we will have an answer.

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